Postmodernism in Sociology – Meaning, Assumptions, Criticisms, & Contributors

Postmodernism theory

Meaning of Postmodernism Postmodernism theory in sociology challenges traditional ideas of universal truths, emphasizing that reality is subjective and constructed through language, culture, and individual experiences. It critiques grand narratives and focuses on diversity, pluralism, and the fragmentation of social norms, highlighting the fluid, ever-changing nature of society in a complex, globalized world. Postmodernism, a … Read more

Interactionism in Sociology – Definition, Assumptions, Criticisms, & Contributors

interactionism theory

Meaning of Interactionism Theory Interactionism theory in sociology focuses on how individuals create and interpret social reality through daily interactions and shared symbols. Rooted in the work of George Herbert Mead and Herbert Blumer, it emphasizes the importance of meaning-making in shaping behavior and societal norms, highlighting that reality is constructed through language, gestures, and … Read more

Conflict Theory in Sociology – Meaning, Assumptions, Criticism, & Contributors

conflict theory

Meaning of Conflict Theory Conflict theory in sociology, developed by Karl Marx, views society as a competition for limited resources, where social structures and institutions reflect power struggles between dominant and subordinate groups. It emphasizes inequality, focusing on how wealth, power, and status are distributed unequally, leading to tension and change through social conflict. Conflict … Read more

Functionalism in Sociology: Meaning, Assumptions, and Contributors


Meaning of Functionalism Functionalism also known as ‘Structural Functionalism’ or ‘Structural-Functional Theory’ views society as a system (or structure) of interconnected parts such as groups, institutions such as family, religion, economy, etc. which work (function) together to maintain social equilibrium, social solidarity, and stability. It states that our social lives and behavior are guided by … Read more

5 Major Theories of Social Change

Theories of Social Change There are many theories on social change developed by sociologists to explain the nature, direction, cause, and effects of social change. These various theories are; Let’s talk about these theories of social change one by one, Structural-Functionalist Approach to Social Change Functionalists emphasize what maintains society, not what changes it. The … Read more

What is Social Change? Definition, Sources, Features, and Types

meaning of social change

Definition of Social Change The alteration or transformation in the social (human) interactions, relationships, social structure, social institutions, social organization, and patterns of social behavior in a given society is called social change. Change is a never-ending process and the universal law of life. Change occurs in every aspect of society from material to non-material … Read more

What is Welfare State? Definition, Features, Functions, & Pros/Cons

welfare state

Definition of Welfare State A welfare state is a government system where the state plays a key role in ensuring the economic and social well-being of its citizens. It provides public services like healthcare, education, and social security, funded through taxation, to reduce inequality and improve living standards, aiming to protect individuals from economic hardships … Read more